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Dr. Jianbin Fan awarded as 2022 CIGRE Fellow


CIGRE Biennial Session was held in Paris from August 25 to 30. CIGRE granted its CIGRE Fellow Award to five experts who have taken active participation in the activities of the technical work of the study committees and provided a lead technical role in the study committees. The Recipients 2022 are as follows: Britta BUCHHOLZ (Germany), Jianbin FAN (China), Joao Felix NOLASCO (Brazil), Alvaro PORTILLO (Uruguay) and Rene SMEETS (Netherlands).

Dr. Jianbin Fan, deputy secretary general of the Chinese Society of Electrical EngineeringCSEE and director-general of the IEC Promotion Center, was awarded as 2022 CIGRE Fellow, becoming the first Chinese expert to receive this honor. The award recognized his active participation to the activities of the Association since 2007, as the Chinese Regular Member of Study Committee A3 "Transmission and distribution equipment" from 2010 to 2016 and of Study Committee B3 " Substations and electrical installations" since 2016, and as a member of CIGRE Administrative Council and Steering Committee since 2019.

The title of CIGRE Fellow is one of the highest distinctions awarded by CIGRE to certain of its individual members for exceptional services to the Association. The selection of CIGRE Fellows takes place every two years (Session years), with the approval of the Administrative Council.