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2023 International Standardization (Chilin) Forum Held in Nanjing


Under the auspice of IEC, ISO and ITU, jointly organized by the Standardization Administration of China (SAC), the German Commission for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (DKE) and the British Standards Institution (BSI), the International Standardization (Chilin) Forum (ISF) 2023 was held on 7th June at the IEC Promotion Center in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province. Philippe Metzger, Secretary-General and CEO of the IEC, Dr. Shiong Tian, Vice Minister of State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR), Administrator of SAC and President of the Chinese National Committee of the IEC, Michael Teigeler, Managing Director of DKE and Secretary of the German National Committee of the IEC, and Oliver Hateley, Senior Policy Manager at BSI and Manager of the UK National Committee of the IEC addressed the opening ceremony.

With the theme of “Driving the transition to an all-electric society”, the 2023 ISF consisted of 13 keynote speeches and 3 panel discussion. 

Dr. Yinbiao Shu, 36th IEC President and academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE) in his keynote speech entitled “Next generation power system: architectural concept and enabling technologies” indicated that the next generation power system is the innovation and development of the traditional power system and is characterized by widely interconnection, intelligent interaction, flexible adoption, safety and controllability with fossil energy power generation gradually replaced by renewable energy. He pointed out that the main way to build the next generation power system is to force clean electricity alternatives at both of production and consumption ends and the key task is to strengthen the construction of four systems, namely multi-energy complementary clean energy supply system, modern grid system, intelligent energy consumption system and national united electricity market system. He emphasized that the next generation power system is a key platform to achieve carbon peaking and carbon neutrality goals, which is expected for innovation and breakthroughs in terms of theoretical system, technical industrial system and institutional mechanism. It is supposed to make greater contributions to build a community with a shared future in which people and nature coexist harmoniously.


The 2023 ISF attracted nearly 500 experts from government, industry, academia and nonprofits around the globe. The Chinese version of IEC white paper entitled Zero carbon power system based primarily on renewable energy was released during the event.